
(generic name: Tadalafil)

Cialis is used for treating erectile dysfunction. Cialis was developed by Eli Lilly and approved for the use of ED patients at the end of 2003. It's main advantage over other drug treatments for erectile dysfunction is that it gives the patient 36-hour efficacy time, thats why it earned the nickname "the weekend pill." Cialis is offered in tablets of different strengths (dose to be determined by the patient's doctor).


A patient should take one tablet at least 15 minutes before sexual activity in order to be able to have an erection when the body is stimulated. Cialis remains effective for as long as 36 hours. It can be taken as often as once per 36 hours.

How Cialis Works

Cialis works by increasing blood flow to the patient's penis and thus intensifying a patient's physical response to sexual activity. Cialis (Tadalafil) is a treatment for ED only; it does not increase sexual desire and should not be used as an aphrodisiac. It will not cause automatic erection if the patient is not sexually excited or suffers from untreatable conditions, nor will it cause an hours-long erection (which is actually a painful and dangerous medical problem).


Restriction on using Cialis
It should not be used without the approval of a doctor. It should not be used by patients whose medical condition prevents them from having sex (for example, patients with certain heart conditions). Patients using nitrates (commonly found in medicine for chest pains) or alpha-blockers (other than Flomax 0.4 mg once daily) cannot take Cialis, as the combination of the drugs may cause blood pressure to drop to dangerous levels. In addition, patients should not consume large amounts of alcohol when taking Cialis.

Side Effects

The most commonly cited side effects of Cialis are upset stomach, headaches and back or muscle aches. These effects usually go away by themselves and should not worry the patient. If they persist, seem unusual, or are otherwise bothersome, the patient should consult his doctor

Where to purchase Cialis safely

Until a few years ago, there was no online pharmacy where you could purchase cialis legally. Fortunately, today it can also be delivered to many European countries. We found for you the registered online apotheke that offer Cialis at affordable price. best price



There are also a couple of great natural substitute for prescription ED drugs. Here are some of the most popular ones:


1. VigRx Plus™ is one of the best-selling male enhancement supplement. This is doctor's approved formula for men aged 21 to 60+ who wish to diminish the physical effects of aging on their sex lives, improve their erection quality and control, and enjoy a bigger appetite for sex with more intense orgasms.


2. MaleExtra™ is the most potent male enhancement pill on the market. It is a great natural over-the-counter substitute for Viagra.


3. The most natural and long-term effective way to cure impotence is to thear it at the root of its creation - in your mind. Self-hypnosis can work wonders for impotence with psychological causes. Click here to download the self-hypnosis session called Cure Impotence.







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